Friday, July 27, 2018

4 marketing tools to take advantage of in 2018

The world of marketing keeps evolving at a mind-boggling rate. Not a day goes by when someone, at some corner of the world, finds out a smart, new way to sell business. But not all of us are as well-equipped with that kind of knowledge. But do not worry, as expert marketing adviser Sunil Saldanha of V-care has got your back. He has been in this business for many years, and it is his job and passion to stay updated on all the marketing tools and trends that are going round right now.

To help you out, here are 4 of the best marketing tools for you to use in 2018.


Chatbots are everywhere nowadays. A chatbot is an AI-based system which establishes communication with the customer online. It is a fantastic solution to social media messaging, customer FAQs, order queries, customer assistant and so on. The chatbots will be fed the necessary data in each case, and they can carry on communication with the third party on a basic level almost as good as a human operator. This saves human labor as well as prevents lapse of time for customer service.

2.Social media live sessions

The ‘Live’ story option on Facebook, Instagram and other such platforms is the next big thing. It requires zero technical knowledge to use and can have an impact manifold times of usual posting activities. This way, you establish an honest and transparent relationship with the clients as they can see you or your company in flesh and blood and not just an ambiguous entity. The nature of the live session will depend on what type of company you are. If it is an education-based one, live discussions with experts can be done. If it a travel or food blog, live videos of the places you visit or the food being cooked can be an idea.

3.Data analytics

This is nothing new, but still relevant. The data analytical tool kits help you in ways unimaginable. With some sites like Wordpress, the statistics come with the website. For more advanced results, there are kits available online. Google Analytics is a great away to see how your website is doing, how many views you are getting each week, whether the traffic has increased or not, which SEO activity is doing well and which is not etcetera.

4.Google Adwords

Along with its several other tools that help you enhance your business, Google Adwords is a great tool that is gaining more and more popularity with time. There is no doubt that Google is by far the most used and trusted search engine in the world. With Adwords, they offer you a place on their advertisement circuit. The positioning or ranking will depend upon the amount you pay and the package you choose. However, it is a great tool to consider for spreading word about your business. Sunil Saldanha of Thane certainly advises this as a necessary measure.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Sunil Saldanha of V-care - 5 tips to launch your start-up business

Start-ups are the latest trend in business. You will find one in every corner of the country. But as much popular a thing it is, getting started with a small business of yours is difficult nevertheless, according to expert Sunil Saldanha of V-care. It does not get better just because everyone else is doing it, but only the competition is stiffer. However, start-ups also give the opportunity to explore new realms of business, services, and marketing that traditional organizations often shy away from.

If you are one of the people who are about to jump the bandwagon, the following few tips might help you out.

1. Find the courage

Half the job is done when you gather the courage to get started. Once you have the idea sorted out, it is best to set out on implementing it without much ado. But at the same time, there is no need to hurry. Every decision must be given considerable time.

2.Focus your energy

Creative entrepreneurs tend to have many ideas at the same time. While creativity and innovation is a great asset to have, in a practical sense, all these ideas can overlap and meddle with each other, finally yielding nothing or substance. It is best to concentrate on one objective of the start-up to begin with, and later incorporate the rest keeping in mind the other factors.

3. Do not hesitate to seek help

It is necessary to remember that these are your baby steps into the world of business, and everybody has needed help from one quarter or the other at this point. So if you need to team up with a friend or require advice from veterans like Sunil Saldanha of Thane, there is absolutely nothing wrong in seeking the. But it is important to know whom to trust and to make the right call at the end of the day, which should always be yours to make.

4. Put trust on the internet

The Internet is literally the backbone of a modern-day business, especially start-ups. In fact, most of them are completely web and mobile-based organizations. Needless to say, it will do you good to put some more trust in the internet. From social media marketing and digital promotions to hiring remote workers and finding distant markets – it will help you in more ways than you can imagine right now.

5.Have commitment and patience

Rome was not built overnight – you must have heard this proverb many times in your life. And standing in this nascent condition of our start-up, it applies to you the most. It requires a lot of patience on the part of the entrepreneur to make a stand-up work and establish it as a long-term business. Giving up is not the solution, and that requires a commitment to the cause as well. It is necessary that you believe in the business and its objective, and see it to its ultimate goal.